What We Believe

Grace Church is part of the International Presbyterian Church (IPC), which is a small but growing denomination in the UK, Europe, and East Asia. As part of the IPC, you could sum up Grace Church as evangelical and Reformed.

Evangelical means we’re keen on evangelism, on the Bible (and lots of it!), on fostering a close walk with God, and on other Christians. In particular, we believe the Midlands Gospel Partnership Doctrinal Basis, and we’re committed to warm church relations in our own denomination and across denominational boundaries. We also believe the four “ecumenical creeds”, beloved of Christians through the centuries – the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Definition of Chalcedon and Athanasian Creed.

Reformed means we stand gratefully in the tradition of the Reformation – keen on the free grace of God and the glory of gathered worship. In particular, it means that all our leaders sign up to the great Reformation-era statement of the Christian faith, the Westminster Standards (made up of the Confession and the Shorter and Larger Catechisms).